«In der Wissenschaft gibt es keine breite Autobahn, und nur wer ohne Angst vor Ermüdung die steinigen Pfade erklimmt, cann ihre leuchtenden Gipfel erreichen» Карл Маркс
«Каждая нация может и должна учиться от других» Маркс
«Пребывай в Труде / Призвании своего» Сираха 11:20-21 «Ein Mensch rettet seine Seele nicht durch die Kirche, sondern durch den Glauben», schrieb Luther, und heute müssen lutherische Untertanen ihn bauen – den Tempel. Denn heute wurden wir bereits besiegt, heute wurden wir ber
Creative Collective
Nikolai Punin
Iskusstvo kommuny
September 1920
"In accordance with this idea, the design of the monument consists of three large glass structures, erected by means of a complex system of vertical struts and spirals. These structures are arranged one above the other and are contained within different, harmoniously related forms. A special type of mechanism would enable them to move at different speeds. The lower structure (A), in the form of a cube, moves on its axis at the speed of one revolution a year and is intended for legislative purposes. Here may be held conferences of the International, meetings of international congresses and other broadly legislative meetings… The next structure (B), in the form of a pyramid, rotates on its axis at the speed of one full revolution a month and is intended for executive functions (the Executive Committee of the International, the secretariat and other administrative and executive bodies). Finally, the upper cylinder (C), rotating at a speed of one revolution a day, is intended to be a resource center for the following facilities: an information office; a newspaper; the publication of proclamations, brochures and manifestos — in a word, all the various means of broadly informing the international proletariat, and in particular a telegraph, projectors for a large screen located on the axes of a spherical segment "
Science and the enslavement of consciousness. "Critique of the Gothic Program" K. Marx. The Marxist critique of religion consists, first of all, in pointing out to the slave his chains, the parasitic nature of the church, whether or not it is separated from the state. Ultimately, Marxism seeks to free the conscience from the religious dope through weaponized criticism of the reality that this dope reproduces. This means “crossing the bourgeois level”.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” It's a quote routinely attributed to Edmund Burke. The phrase that written in the Jewish Museum in the USA.
“Beginning” is what surrounds us, vision is our main sense and therefore we live in reality, which we limit ourselves to.